
Green stem
Green stem

This problem may result from a number of causes including viral infections, insect feeding and certain environmental factors or stresses. Green stem syndrome appears to be widely distributed across the major soybean growing areas of North America, and also appears to be occurring more frequently in many areas. Delaying harvest until green stems mature can result in over-drying and shattering in normal plants. When green stems are numerous, yield and seed quality may be reduced, harvest may be delayed, and combining is more difficult.

green stem

Plants affected by green stem syndrome may be distributed randomly or clustered in patches in the field. Green stem syndrome is the term applied to soybean plants that retain green stems after pods mature. When pods are reduced, carbohy-drates and nitrogen remain in the stem and roots and appear to have a role in retention of green stems.

  • Reduced pod number is common to all known causes of green stem syndrome.
  • These studies have induced green stem symptoms by removing some of the pods during the seed-filling stages of plant development.
  • Recent research studies have attempted to further elucidate the causes and mechanisms of green stem occurrence in soybeans.
  • The problem seems to be increasing in many areas.
  • Green stem syndrome appears to be distributed widely across the major soybean growing areas of North America.
  • green stem

    Bean pod mottle virus, tobacco ringspot virus, soybean mosaic virus and other viral diseases are the most widely reported causes of green stem symptoms in soybeans.Green stem syndrome may result from a number of causes, including viral infections, insect feeding and certain environmental factors or stresses.These plants have reduced yield and create problems at harvest. Green stem syndrome refers to soybean plants that have green stems (and may have green leaves and petioles) long after pods have matured.

    Green stem